I Am Not Web Scale: Wunderlist Edition

A few months ago, I posted about the Open Source projects I was currently working on, and that I was maintaining too many things. Fortunately, most of those things were accomplished! ModernHttpClient, ReactiveUI, and Akavache all have had new major releases recently.

In that post, I screenshotted my Wunderlist list of what I'm working on. Fortunately, with the release of Wunderlist 3, I can now share that list on an ongoing basis as an Open Source Experiment:

Each of the items has notes that describe more about what's going on, or a link to the relevant discussion, though I don't think that this isn't visible unless you hit "Add to Wunderlist"

Getting Involved

You can get to this list via the new Public Lists feature, and if you see something that interests you, get ahold of me. The best way is via chatting to me on Slack in the ReactiveUI Chat Room. It's not a public chat room, but if you Email me using the Email address you want to use, I can add you. Emailing me privately always works too!